Better Together (part 2): Gifted and Talented


Name one of your favorite gifts you've ever received.

Did you ever receive a gift only to find out you'd be expected to share it--with a sibling? with your classmates? with your spouse? How'd you feel? Do tell.



Tonight you'll be exploring your spiritual gifts as a group. Before you jump into discussion, ask God to help you see clearly as you strive to identify your gifts and find ways to use them in the context of the body to His glory. 



We said on Sunday, when God gives you a gift, it's not just for you. Share a time when you saw someone using a gift God had given them for the good of the church and the glory of God. 

Do you sometimes find it hard to identify what gifts God has given you? If so, why do you think that is? What prevents us from being more confident in our gifting?

How might we go about growing our gifts and getting more confident in our ability to use them? What should we do if we think we might have a gift but know we need help developing it?

On Sunday we shared a list of possible spiritual gifts. Consider the list (attached to the bottom of today's discussion guide) together as a group (read through it together). Have each member share one gift they're sure they have, one they might have and one they definitely don't.

Next, encourage one another by identifying gifts your fellow members might have. When have you seen them using that gift? What potential do you see in them? Lift each other up and affirm the work God's doing. 

Now, consider your gifts, and brainstorm ways you could use them to bless others and glorify God. What should you be doing daily to put your gift into practice? What should you be doing at RRCOC? 

Consider the gifts you definitely do not have. What would it be like to be in a body with zero of that particular gift? 



Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-27.

  • How does this text contribute to our understanding of spiritual gifts and their use in the church? 
  • Are there any insignificant gifts?
  • Do you ever wish the body had fewer of the weird parts? Do you ever feel like a weird part? 
  • Share an example of a time when you saw the truth (that we're better together) in action.


Consider this (not-at-all exhaustive) list of spiritual gifts, trying to identify which gifts you might have and which you definitely do not. Beside each gift, scribble one of these symbols:

  • !    This is 100% me. I’m great at this.
  • ?    This might be me. Either I haven’t had enough experience to know for sure, or I’m not very confident in my ability. Let me ask my friends…
  • :/     This probably isn’t me.
  • X     Nope.


I am good at seeing what’s possible and inspiring other people to go there. The gift of leadership is the ability to influence people at their level while directing and focusing them on the big picture, vision, or idea.


I feel compassion and empathy for people who are suffering. The gift of mercy is the ability to care for those who are hurting in any way.


I enjoy opening up my home and my life to other people. The gift of hospitality is the ability to create warm, welcoming environments for others. People with the gift of hospitality are flexible and able to embrace other people even when it’s inconvenient.


I want to make friends with new people. The gift of friendliness is the ability to connect with strangers quickly and meaningfully.


I am organized and enjoy figuring out logistics. The gift of administration is the ability to organize multiple tasks and groups of people to accomplish these tasks.


I can’t help thinking of new ways to do things. The gift of creativity is the ability to imagine a multitude of possibilities and see beyond what’s been done before.


I love to help. The gift of serving is the ability to do small or great tasks in working for the overall good of the body of Christ, often aiding in the achievement of another person’s vision.


I regularly study the Bible and enjoy sharing what I learn with others. The gift of teaching is the ability to study and learn from the Scriptures, capably sharing insight that brings understanding and depth to other Christians.


I don’t shy away from doing or saying hard things. The gift of courage is the ability to do what needs to be done despite potentially harmful consequences to oneself.


People often come to me for advice. The gift of wisdom is the ability to understand and to bring clarity to situations and circumstances through applying the truths of Scripture in a practical way.


I have more money than I need. The gift of wealth is the abundance of financial resources. Paired with a desire to be generous, this gift results in enabling the work of the church and the well being of its less fortunate members.


I’m good at resolving conflict. The gift of peacemaking is the ability to bring people who disagree into agreement or harmony.


I like to work with my hands. The gift of craftsmanship is the ability to plan, build, and work with your hands in construction environments (or crafting).


One of my favorite things is to tell people the good news about Jesus. The gift of evangelism is the ability to help non-Christians take the necessary steps to follow Christ.


I have a steady and healthy practice of meeting God in prayer. The gift of prayer is an ability to petition God on the behalf others. People who are gifted at prayer feel comfortable talking to God no matter the circumstance.


I affirm others and cheer them on. The gift of encouragement is the ability to strengthen, comfort or urge others to action through the written or spoken word and Biblical truth.

An additional filter for understanding how you might best bless this church:

I love to be around and work with (underline one or two of the following categories of people)...

Children        The elderly        The grieving        Those who’re in prison    

The poor        Teens            Young adults        Widows & widowers

Single mothers        Men            Women            Those don’t yet know Jesus


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