4/5 Fun & Games

We heard from a number of groups that last week’s discussion of the joys and struggles your members are experiencing was connecting, emotional, heavy, and helpful.

This week we’re going in the opposite direction. Let’s just have some fun.

Here’s a list of games you could play with your group on Zoom. (P.S. Don’t skip this week just because it’s FUN week. Fun is essential to our health and connection right now.)

GAME 1: Pictionary. This is super easy to play on Zoom. Play on teams or play household vs household. You can use whiteboards or just plain old paper and marker. Pick a theme and let each team pick what they want to draw within that theme. Possible themes: Bible stories, movie titles, desserts, fictional places, etc.

GAME 2: Two truths and a lie. Each member takes a turn sharing two truths and a lie. Have members guess which is the lie by writing it on a piece of paper. Have all members reveal their guesses at the same time.

GAME 3: Trivia. You could do a Bible trivia game, Harry Potter trivia, football trivia, politics trivia—whatever your group is into. These are easy to find online (just google). You could also play a Round Rock Church of Christ trivia game if you’re up for creating some questions!

GAME 4: Know your group. Have members submit ten interesting facts about themselves before group meeting. Then randomly share one fact at a time. Have members guess which member goes with that fact. Every correct answer gets a point.

GAME 5: Would You Rather. Ask one member at a time a would you rather question. (Example: Would you rather be a professional football player or a doctor?) Assign each answer a number (1. football player 2. doctor). Have group members put up the number of the answer (using their fingers—1 or 2) they think their friend will choose. Members get a point for every correct guess. Here’s a link to some Would You Rather questions: https://conversationstartersworld.com/would-you-rather-questions-clean/

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