Poured Out (Part 4): Service Poured Out on the Feet of Jesus


This Sunday, we jumped into part 4 of a  series called Poured Out as we lean into the ways that God is pouring out wonderful things in and through our people. And we are asking the question, how do we collectively stir up momentum in our relationship with God. Start with this prompt:

  • Share a time when you were served in an intentional, possibly outrageous way that was powerful. 

This week we are inviting your group to choose questions from the multiple options below.  Our hope is that these questions might help you to lead your discussion in a way that makes sense for your group this week as y’all “talk it out” and “live it out”.



  • What is the significance in the reality that loving God and loving your neighbor are interconnected? 

  • Do you read Matthew 25 as more of a prophecy or a parable or both? Why?

  • What is the intention behind Jesus telling this story about the “sheep” and the “goats”? 


  • When it comes to caring for the unseen or the overlooked in society, how would you say you are doing? What stops you from doing more?

  • What does your current circle of community look like? Who is it made up of (religiously, socio-economically, ethnically, etc.)? Has that shifted throughout your life?

  • When have you encountered Jesus through meeting and seeing the unseen?



  • Do you have any regular practices/rhythms, etc. that enable you to care for the unseen or overlooked in our community?

  • What is a way that you have been interested in or possibly prompted to serve at RRCOC but have hesitated to officially jump in (Welcome Home, Kids Ministry, Student, Young Adults, AV Booth, Prayer, Alpha, Praise Team, Community Outreach, etc.)? Share it and pray for the courage to take the next step towards it. 


  • We encourage you to pray this closing prayer together, “Lord, as we go about our week and our days ahead, would you give us eyes to see those who are unseen, hurting and marginalized. Would you embolden us to reach out to them in love and to show them they are seen by a God who loves them. Help me to ask the question, “who do you see that I do not see?” and help us to respond in radical obedience to you, God.”

Matt DeLano